Wednesday, January 8, 2020

PURSUIT - Day 4 - God Is Looking

One of the important areas we will be focusing on during our 21 days of PURSUIT is our prayer and intercession for others.  My mom used to have a ceramic plaque above our wall-mounted telephone in kitchen that simply read, "PRAYER CHANGES THINGS."  It is powerful, inspiring, overwhelming and border-line unbelievable that we, through our prayers, can change the course of someone's life.  And yet, it's true!  Your prayers have the capacity to release great power and can be a game changer for those who cannot or will not pray for themselves.

What is intercession exactly?  Intercession means "to stand between" or "to go in behalf of".  This is what Jesus has done and continues to do for us!  Hebrews 7:25 says that Jesus is able to save completely because he lives to intercede for us.  In other words His purpose is to intercede or act on behalf of us. As He intecedes for us, He is standing between the brokenness of humanity and the needed grace and mercy of the Father.  He has released the church, you and I, to be involved in the same ministry.  1 Timothy 2:1 says "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people" .  

The Greek word for intecession, pagha, means "to make a petetion or conversation on behalf of another," or "to go to God representing another."  According to Ezekiel 22:30, that is called standing in the gap.

The "GAP" is the space between the mess of humanity and the much-needed grace and intervention of God.  God is looking for people to boldly approach the throne of God, making petitions on behalf of those on the wrong side of the gap.  The purpose and need of intercessors is to justify divine intervention.  Remember God operates with perfect justice.  He has set into motion the laws of sowing an reaping.  It is a rare spiritual exception for God ot override people's free-will or overturn the set law of reaping the appropriate harvest that has been determined by the seeds that people have sown.

In order to release the best over those who deserve the worst, God has set into motion a spiritual law or principle that interrupts the set process of sowing and reaping.  This is the law of intercession.  We see this is 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, who are called by my name will. . ."  Let's stop right there; the operative words in this famous passage are "if" and "will".  The promise God is making is contingent upon intercession being made for a nation that is deserving of God's judgment, yet God is saying, "I'm providing another way, a path of rescue and redemption."

God has set into motion a law that is higher than the law of sowing and reaping; the law of intercession!

Ezekiel 22:30 (NIV2011)
30  “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. 


One powerful line that jumps out from the above verse is "I looked for someone. . ."  God is looking for intercessors.  He is searching for those who are willing to pray selflessly for others until breakthrough comes.  How many have been pulled from the brink, saved from utter destruction because of the prayer of a mom, a dad, a pastor, an old saint, a caring friend.

If you have been searching for God, let me encourage you to position your life where you are sure to meet him consistently.  You do this be becoming the person, the prayer warrior, the intercessor that He is already searching for.  Everyone can do this!  Anyone can volunteer, step up, and the rold of the intercessor.  Some people have referred to themselves or others as having "the gift of intercession", but nowhere in the Bible is intercession seen as a spiritual gift, exclusive calling, or a special burden for a select few.  Yes, some people are more given to intercession, and maybe they do operate in a special anointing to pray for others, but I believe that develops through proximity, availablility, and intimacy; yet we are all invited to stand in the gap praying powerful prayer for others!


Who was it that was praying for you when you could not or would not pray for yourself!  I would bet that you can trace your road to Christ back to the prayer of someone who prayed selflessly for you during your darkest days.  So who are you standing int he gap for now?  Who is on your heart right now as you read these words?  Do you feel the compassion of Jesus for them?  Can you see their face and imagine them standing in the presence of God again, wholly changed by His grace?  Consider this your official invitation to stand in the gap for them.


James 5:16 (NIV2011)
16  . . . The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. 


During this 21 Days of PURSUIT, ask God to take you to a place of passionate, heartfelt prayer.  Go beyone mere words and human understanding of the need.  God to where you are feeling His heart and release passion into the situation!

Take a few minutes and write down the names of the top 3-5 people in your world who cannot or will not pray for themselves.  Make a determination to stand in the gap for them until they encounter the grace of God and the life-change they so desperately need.  As you pray, ask the Lord to give you His heart and compassion for them, and ask Him to enable you to stay in this place of prayer until significant work has been done.

Adapted from PURSUIT, by Dave Patterson, 2019, The Father's House.

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