Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Thanking God for an AMAZING Dad!

Last year, at about this time, I wrote my first blog entry.  (Feel free to take a look back if you'd like.)  The subject of my first entry was my hero, My Dad.  Over the last year, my opinion of my hero has been supersized.  My Dad is now a SUPERHero!

Superheroes don't come along everyday.  They aren't a dime-a-dozen.  They can't be found on every street corner.  The essence of heroism is an undefined quality that is not present in every person you see.  Few, when given opportunity to pay the price of heroism, do so.  It's a costly road - but my Dad is now a Superhero.

When I was growing up, there was nobody bigger than my Dad.  No one was stronger than my Dad.  No one was faster than my Dad.  No one was able to leap tall buildings with a single bound like my Dad.  But as great as my Dad was when I was a boy, he has risen to a stature in my eyes that few have ever gotten too.  That's right - Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Peter Parker, Tony Stark and Clyde Pavie.

Over the last year I've watched my Dad go from being a mild-mannered mechanic who loved his family and gave His best to God, to possessing a strength that supersedes muscular capabilities.  Over the last year, my Dad has watched his beloved wife be crippled by an insidious disease and when he could have been angry, frustrated, even mad at God, He has remained ever faithful.  When he's received news that would have rocked the core of nearly every other person I know, He has stood with tear-filled eyes and a faith-filled heart and in the face of the negative, remained a force for the positive.  As my mom's physical faculties continue to fail and as she's gone from being a strong independent woman to completely dependent for every moment, my Dad has become the care-giver, the bath-giver, the body-lifter, the nurse, the doctor, the whatever-my-wife-needs-to-sustain-her-life-for-the-next-moment provider.  When he needs a break, he won't take one.  When he should get away, he remains a constant at his post.  When others would walk away, he remains as faithful as the ticks of a clock.

While my mom has walked through this horrible time with this horrible disease, there have been three constants.  1)  Jesus Christ who is always with us.  2)  3 Sons who love her and have done the best we can for her.  3)  Clyde Pavie, an amazing husband, a wonderful father, and newly introduced SUPERHERO who continues to amaze me.  Dad - I was always proud of the way you provided for our family.  But now, your strength and your courage have left me humbled and completely in awe.  You are my SUPERHERO - the most Jesus-like man I've ever met.  I love you and I'm thankful to not only call you my hero - I'm thankful to call you MY DAD! ~ RP