Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Starting the Year by Giving Thanks!

As we begin a new year, I wanted to take a moment and jot down some thoughts and as I started to write I became overwhelmed with a feeling of the need to give thanks.  I know Thanksgiving as a holiday occurred a little over 6 weeks ago but it truly should be a lifestyle and not just a day.  I want my life to be a shining example of one who does not take for granted the blessings in his life but rather looks for opportunity to express the feelings that flow out of a life that has been touched by so many.  Over the last few years, as a family, we have faced many things, some tragedies of my own making and others that are just a part of life.  Through it all, I have found the blessings of God through the kindness of others and that has made a permanent impact on my life.

Yesterday, we began our year in church and I was so thankful to do so.  We are blessed to be a part of a GREAT church and to be ministered to by a GREAT Pastor.  I am so thankful for the legacy of love and salvation that has been placed in my life as a result of being a part of this GREAT congregation.  I am honored and humbled to be a part of Life Church and to call Buddy Thompson my Pastor.  He and his precious wife Robin, and their wonderful daughters, Lauren & Lindsey are truly as close as family to me and are some of my dearest friends.  Also in regards to our church, I am so appreciative of the men and women who over the years have sacrificed time and treasure to make Life Church what it is.  Some people who are still there and others who have moved on gave tirelessly and sacrificially, many times emptying bank accounts to give us an amazing facility but more importantly to create a lasting landmark to truth in our community that my children are blessed to know and love.  Today I am TRULY so very thankful.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of praying for a lady in the altar who is now past the age of 90.  She is a lady who I have known since I was six years old.  Her name is Esther Carter and as a young boy she was my Sunday School Teacher.  She instilled in me a love for God's Word that supersedes and in many cases defines my life.  No matter the twists and turns of the road of my life, my love for the Bible is a constant that I can not escape and she assisted in putting that in me.  34 years later, she shuffles down the aisle behind her walker, every Sunday, and gets on her knees before God and continues to seek His face.  Thank you Sis. Esther for being a shining example of a Christian, a prayer warrior, a teacher and most importantly a lover of the things that God loves, particularly children.  You impacted my life!

I also want to take a moment and thank God for so many of the members of Life Church.  Over the last year, you have poured oil on hurting wounds and provided whatever was needed to nurse my family back to spiritual health.  Some of you, when you didn't know why, instinctively or lead by the spirit, you gave hugs and spoke words that have carried me when I've needed it most.  Some of you have given me motherly hugs that I've desperately needed now that my mother is gone.  You've sought first to restore and to love and I'm so thankful to call you my church family.

There have been so many people who have been a part of my life over the last few years for whom I am thankful.  Many who were quick to forgive, slow to condemn, looked beyond faults, recognized needs, spoke kindly, loved freely, rejoiced with me, cried with me, believed in me, encouraged me, and lifted me from some of my lowest points.  No one deserves more appreciation for those things than my AMAZING wife, Davina.  I don't know how I'd have ever endured any of life's trial without you by my side.  You deserve so much more than I can ever express or say, but I'm truly thankful that you still believe in me.  Everyday, I count as a blessing from God, extended to me, that I get to spend with you.  For this I am thankful.

To my children, who give me moments of great joy, and as all kids do, temporary moments of tension filled agony, I am so grateful to call you mine.  Jordan and Abigail, you have been so gracious and kind and stood by your mom and dad like troopers.  I am so proud of the man and woman you are becoming and I am confident that you are going to do amazing things for Jesus Christ.  To my Dad, I say Thank You.  Your kindness and goodness overwhelm me and I have learned so much about being a Christian from observing you and Mom.  Thanks for loving my Mom and teaching me how to love my wife and my kids.  You are a GREAT man and I'm honored to call you Dad.

Finally - Jesus - You are truly AWESOME!  There is NONE like You!  Just when I think your mercies must be exhausted, they are renewed with a new day.  When I am overwhelmed by the flood of the enemies attack, You raise up a standard against them.  When I am fearful and afraid you cover me with the wings of your mercy, as a hen would cover her chicks.  When the storm rages, you protect me in the cleft of Your Rock.  When attacks come on the battlefield, you are my shield.  When I want to retreat, you are my refuge and my fortress, my hiding place, my strong tower.  When I worry about tomorrow, you reassure me by showing me the birds of the air and the flowers of the field.  When I feel alone, You remind me that You are my comforter, my peace that passes understanding, my strength, my joy, my friend who sticks closer than a brother, my God who will never leave me nor turn against me.  I thank you today for knowing me and still loving me, for having plans and designs for my life even when I stand in confusion and frustration, and for believing in me, and inspiring my hope in You.  You are my reason for living.  You are the love of my life.  Jesus you are my everything - the center of all that I am and ever hope to be.  Thank you for loving me!