Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Finding My Place

Have you ever spent hours and hours putting together all of the pieces to a really large puzzle and just as you are finally finishing you realize that. . . there's a piece missing? How frustrating . . . aggravating. . . disappointing . . . agonizing. That feeling that you get when you realize that all the time, energy, effort - it was all in vain because the picture that you were trying to complete can not be finished. The work that you were trying to do cannot be done because one piece was out of place. And isn't it true, that if there is a single piece missing - we don't notice the picture. We don't notice the WHOLE - instead we notice the HOLE. One missing piece makes a huge difference.

True in puzzles - even truer in the kingdom of God. God has placed within each of us abilities and gifts and amazing talents that were designed to be utilized within the kingdom. But many times for various reasons there are HOLES within the fabric of the kingdom of God. Maybe it's because we don't know what our gifting and our talents are. Maybe it's because we don't see what we bring to the table as needed or wanted. Maybe it's because we've never been asked or maybe it's because we don't see ourselves as worthy of a piece of the puzzle. For others, it's because we see ourselves as too busy or too fearful or too unprepared. Whatever the case is, there are Christians throughout the kingdom of God who are living lives that are unproductive and unfulfilled because they've yet to discover their place, their spot on the puzzle.

Paul described the kingdom as a body. Christ is the head but we are individual members of the body fitly joined together so that every joint, every bone, every muscle, every organ is needed and supplies for the needs of all the others. Therefore, when we see ourselves as part of the body, we understand that our function is necessary and needed whether it is small or great. Because the elbow can't say to the bicep muscle, I have no need of you. The femur bone can't say to the big toe, I have no need of you. The nose can't say to the ear - your function is not important. Nor can the mouth say to the hand - of what purpose do you serve? We are one body joined together for HIS purpose and we desperately need every part. Oh, we can survive without certain members of the body. . . you can live with some missing parts. BUT the body will never be what it could be until every piece is in its proper place.

The key to finding your place in the kingdom is to first recognize and realize that YOU are a vital and important piece of the puzzle. Without you, God's kingdom would be less that it could be with you serving in it. There is no small role nor large role - only opportunities to make Jesus look great. When we serve in the kingdom, we do so by utilizing those things that God has placed in our life. And so - you are an important piece of the kingdom. Determining your place is not always simple. Sometimes we're not quite sure how to be most effective in the kingdom. To truly determine your place, you just have to get started. Sometimes when you're putting together a puzzle, some pieces get tried in numerous places. You twist it and turn it and attempt to position in various places. Sometimes it's just a little bit off. Sometimes it may even fit but the pattern doesn't fit that section of the puzzle. Sometimes it doesn't fit at all and you move on to the next spot. But eventually, if you're willing to try, you discover the tailor-made spot for the puzzle piece that is in your hand.

There's a man in the book of Acts - his name is John Mark. When Paul left on one of his early missionary journeys, Barnabas and John Mark were traveling together with the great Apostle. At some point on the journey, there arose a disagreement between Paul and John Mark. Apparently John Mark was homesick and really wanted to return to Jerusalem and Paul great angry and frustrated with him. So Barnabas took John Mark and Paul found a man by the name of Silas and they parted ways. Years go by - Barnabas and John Mark, with anointing on their life had discovered all sorts of areas of ministry for them to thrive in. And well, Paul & Silas had some wild stories to tell themselves. All had discovered their place in the kingdom although the original places they tried didn't quite seem to fit. Late in life, the Apostle Paul sends a letter and in his letter, he says, "Tell John Mark to come to me because I have need of him." The man that the Apostle Paul had sent away in shame - suddenly was in need. Sometimes, we don't understand why things happen the way they do. Sometimes we don't understand why hurts come into our life or experiences happen that don't make any sense. Maybe you tried to accomplish a ministry - you tried to serve in the kingdom and it just didn't work out the way you thought it would. Recognize that, just like John Mark, your ministry is of value - your place is needed. It just may be that the experience that you are having to go through right now, is designed to place things in your character that will make you better able to serve and to a blessing in the future.

Why do we have hurts? Why does pain come? Why does bad things happen to us? Sometimes we wonder, if we are supposed to be a part of the body of Christ, why do we have to face struggle. There's no easy answer to that question. But I do know, that struggle always bring strength and your ability to touch the lives of others is improved by your opportunity to share your experiences. God never wastes a hurt. If it happened to you, you can rest assure that at some point, you will have a chance to assist in the healing process of someone else who in the future will go through the pain you experience today --- if you're willing to find your place and get right in the middle of it.

If God has called you and brought you into His Kingdom - He intends to utilize those things that He has placed in your life. Spiritual Gifts, Abilities, Personality Traits, Experiences, the things that you love to do - they are all placed in your life by GOD - and He will utilize them to minister and to touch the lives of others - if you're willing to find your place.

The most unfulfilled Christian is an unserving Christian. As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure it's possible to be an "unserving Christian". To be like Christ means to serve - and I want to find the fulfillment of serving in the body of Christ. Find your place in the puzzle - get plugged in and discover the joy of serving and living your life in such a manner that you impact all those around you. What is it God is asking you to do? What is it that you would do for the kingdom of God if you knew that you couldn't fail? Today - begin looking for those opportunities to plug your piece into the puzzle. . . Find your place and get right in the middle of it - and discover the joy that only Jesus can bring.

Love all of you - pray for Davina and I - we will be moving over the next few weeks and we are so excited to soon be on location with our wonderful church family at Church on the Move. We are endeavoring with all that we have to find our place and hopefully help others find their place as well in the kingdom of God. Until next time - even if it's through trial and error - look for ways to serve in the kingdom and to impact our world! -- God bless - RP

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Amazing Love

Today, I've just had on my mind how truly amazing the love of God is to all of us. I've been replaying this wonderful Chris Tomlin song over and over, some of the lyrics of which are:

"Amazing love, How can it be
That You, my King, would die for me?
Amazing love,I know it’s true.
It’s my joy to honor You, In all I do, I honor You.

I’m forgiven because You were forsaken,
I’m accepted, You were condemned.
I am alive and well, Your spirit is within me,
Because You died and rose again."

Truly what amazing love we've all experienced from Jesus Christ. The 8th chapter of Romans, Paul shows us just how amazing the love of Christ is as he begins to show the inability of anything to separate you & I from the Love of God. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: 'For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.' Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Nothing that you and I go through, struggle with, allow to even at times over take us, none of those things have the ability to separate us from this amazing love of Jesus Christ.

You know - there are not a whole lot of people that I'd willingly lay down my life for. If you'd be honest, you would say the same thing. As a matter of fact the Bible, in the 5th chapter of Romans says, "For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." The Love of God is so rich and pure and unassuming and undeserving and unconditional in that WE who were bound in sin, locked in misery, chained in calamity and hell-bent on destruction were still recipients of such great love.

Many I believe struggle with the idea of the Love of God. Because many feel as if they don't deserve God's love, therefore they have a tough time accepting the fact that God loves them. In part, this faulty concept is due to the fact that we believe God loves in the same manner that we love. As humans, our love is a performance based love. If you do those things that I like and if you perform well, then I will love you. BUT if you don't comply to my wishes OR you act in a manner that is in anyway contrary to my desires for you, than I will withhold my love. Isn't that really how we as humans love? BUT not God - while we were still sinners, God's love was demonstrated to us by His willingness to die in our place. God's love is pure. You can't do enough to earn it. You can't perform well enough to deserve it. It's already been extended when you were at your lowest point - dead in your trespasses. And so if extended then, how can I accomplish enough to earn what has already been given.
Many have suffered at times through the love of family that was conditional. Dare I say, many have been presented love from a church that was conditional. If you do these list of rules or this list of accomplishments, then you will feel love from the Pastor and the saints of this congregation. What a shame, that so many in Christianity have been forced to live in captivity in an effort to perform in such a manner as to acquire love. We were made to love and to be loved. If there is anything that we can learn simply by observing the generation of teenagers that is alive and well today, is that people will do just about anything to earn acceptance and love --- even those things that make no sense whatsoever. What a shame it is when those in power and authority within the church, utilize those same methods to dispense and withhold love and acceptance in the kingdom of God.
At the end of the day, God's love is unconditional. It is never wavering. He can't love you anymore than He already does. Regardless of your mistakes and regardless of what others think, the love of Christ has been shared with all who are willing to be loved by Him. His death at Calvary was the most amazing act of love ever known - and it cannot be earned because it's already been given, it cannot be acquired by certain actions, because it was offered while we were certainly unworthy of it. So today - accept the Love of Christ. Not based on the works that you've accomplished - not based on the approval of man - but simply because you are His creation, you are His child and there is nobody He wants to share His love with more than You.
One last thought - it is a statement that has gotten me through some of the darkest days of my life, when I questioned everything I'd ever done and wondered if God's plan for me had been scrapped because of what others thought and what others were saying. "I am not who others say I am. I am who God says I am. In Christ, I am forgiven. In Christ, I am secure. And In Christ, I am free." Today, you can be free - because if Jesus says, "You're Free", you are truly Free. And His love will never be able to be separated from the object of His affection - namely YOU!
Until next time - May God bless you as you explore the depths of HIS AMAZING LOVE - Be all that Christ wants you to be and never be defined by the box that others would shove you into - Dream Big - Roam Free - and Love others the way He loves you!!!! ---- RP

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I Will Bless The Lord at All Times

David writes in Psalm 34 "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. . ." In order for David to have written such a verse, he must have been having a whale of a day. He must have had life by the tail and everything must have been going his way. He must have just killed Goliath, been married to the king's daughter, and heard all the ladies in town singing about his military prowess as being even greater than that of King Saul. He must have been having a great day. Because surely, if he had been having a day like many of us have had at one time or another, there is no way possible he could have written, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. . ." RIGHT? Actually - WRONG!

David, what are you doing? I'm pretending as if I've gone mad. What? Why would you do such a thing? I mean you're frothing at the mouth and beating your head against a wall and talking to yourself. You are the next king of Israel - and you're appearing before King Achish, the monarch at Gath. Why would you do such a thing? (Time for Evangelist Creativity - or story-telling if you like) Well, David must have said - Let me tell you a story. You see, I was sent to deliver some cheese and some bread to my brothers who were serving in the kings army. When I got there - I discovered that the army was afraid and the king was terrified and nobody was standing up for the name of our great God. So I did - I killed a giant of a man named Goliath. I cut his head off and I killed his brothers too. My celebrity status as a military giant gave me credibility with the people and power with the king -- BUT they meant nothing to God - He already knew my name and knew that the King's time was short. It wasn't long until the King who had applauded me was now trying to kill me. And after barely escaping the edge of his javelin throw for the umpteenth time, I figured it'd be safer on the road -- until at which time God chose to call me back home. So we've been living in caves, out in the middle of fields, whereever we could find cover and shelter. We've been hunted, sought for, chased, and surely would have died were it not for the protecting hand of our great God. One day we were so hungry, that we stopped by the temple and the priest gave me bread from the table inside the holy place and allowed my men to have food. Realizing we were in trouble, I led my men quickly to this town called Gath. But King Achish wants to kill me because he sees me as a threat - so rather than die at his hand and my destiny be squashed - I think it might be necessary for me to act like I have rabies - so I think that's what I'll do. And so even though it's been pretty lousy of late - I remember a time not so long ago when I killed a bear and I killed a lion. I remember a time not so long ago when the prophet Samuel came to my house and poured oil on my head and told my Daddy that I was going to be the next king of Israel. It may seem like a pipe dream considering all we've been through but I remember. Although, things are rough right now, I've never seen the righteous forsaken, or his seed beggin for bread so, while you may think I've lost my mind - and King Achish is going to send me away rather than kill me because he thinks that there is something wrong with me - forgive me, but I think I need to write a song. . .

"I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make its boast in the LORD;The humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together. I sought the LORD, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears." (Now go read the rest of Psalm 34 for your self - it's a cool song when you know the background.)

So is it possible to, as David says, bless the Lord at all times? Can His praise CONTINUALLY be in our mouth? In good times? In bad times? In glad times? In sad times? In good weather? In the midst of the storm? When life has treated you great? When all hell has broken loose in your home? Can we say, as Job said, standing in the face of all the evil that had befallen him on his fateful day, "The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away, Naked I came into this world and Naked I'm gonna go -- Blessed be the name of the Lord." Can you say as David did - "I will bless the LORD at all times. . ."

It's easy to bless and to praise God in the midst of a sunshiney day. But boy, when the wind starts to blow, the thunder rolls, the lightning strikes, the rain beats all around us, it certainly is much tougher to stand and say - Blessed be the name of the Lord. I met a new friend a little over a month ago. We were looking for a new home and he was the agent showing one to us. As we met, we began to talk and share things, we discovered that we had something in common. We both are absolutely crazy about Jesus Christ. I am confident that I met my new friend, Chad, by divine appointment. For you see 15 minutes before we met, he had received a phone call from his wife who was letting him know that she had just been diagnosed with cancer. After he showed me the house, we exchanged information and he sent me an email. He told me that he could feel the presence of the Lord around my family and God had told him to have me pray. He shared with me his families dilemna and His confidence that God was able. A month later, we've continued to pray and believe God for His very best in the life of Chad and Terry. We've asked God to heal Terry and we believe that He is going to do something amazing there. Today, I received an email and to be honest in my flesh I wanted to be down. The doctor has set up a chemo and radiation plan and it doesn't seem at this point that God has done what we asked. But as I read the report and I read his wife's response, my whole attitude changed. Chad and Terry, in faith, said, we don't understand but we know that it will work together for the good and that if nothing else good had come from this, there were some people who had started coming to church to be with Terry during this ordeal. They chose to Bless God no matter what. They chose to take on the spirit of David - and have praise continually in their mouth. You see, they've come to the conclusion that whether he answers with a "YAY" or a "NAY" - He is still God and His name is worthy to be praised.

And so - I will bless the LORD at ALL TIMES - His praise shall CONTINUALLY be in my mouth. Am I in a storm? Yep! Has everything worked out the way I thought it would or should? Nope! But regardless of how things are - I'm gonna bless the LORD. God is good - God is great - God is worthy - God is love - God gives me hope - God protects my family - God is ABLE - God knows my end from my beginning - He knows the plans He has for me - He knew what I would face today LONG BEFORE I got to this place and He who began a good work in me WILL see it through to the day of it's completion.

Are you facing a battle right now? It's ok to admit it. But in the midst of the battle, why don't you take a moment and give credit to the one who gives you strength to fight on? Why don't you take a moment and honor the one who clothed you in spiritual armor so that you could withstand the fight of the enemy? Why don't you, right now, offer thanksgiving and praise to the one who gives you the ability to stand when everything around is sinking sand? Why don't you just take a moment and give some worship to the one who is worthy of all? In case you're confused - His name is Jesus - there is none like Him. He can build a highway in the dessert, walk on top of crashing waves, ride on the wind, breath life into those things that are dead - and today He is able to do more in your situation in a moment than you could do by investing a lifetime. Why not take David at his word - and say - "I will bless the LORD at all times."

Love all of you - thanks for continuing to read with me on this journey - God bless - Until next time - RP

Friday, August 7, 2015

God's Perfect Design

About 9 years ago Davina & I sat down with a realtor for a new subdivision in our area and picked out a set of plans. We had several different floor plans to choose from. Each set had their own pros and cons. Finally we settled on one but to make it perfect for us, we requested some changes to the plans which they were willing to make. Add a bay window here, delete a door way there, a closet here, a storage area there and finally our design was perfect. Or we thought it was perfect 9 years ago when they began construction. But after 8 1/2 years of residence in our perfect design, we've discovered a lot of things that if we had opportunity to do it all over again, we'd do it differently. Nothing major - but my wife would have preferred a pantry, maybe an island in the kitchen, bigger bathrooms, a walk-in closet. If I'd had it do again, I would have spent the extra money to build the garage instead of just trying to get by with what we had. Like I said, nothing major, just the realization that what we thought was once a perfect design, over time has become, shall we say, flawed, imperfect, less than what we thought it was going to be.

It's not that we are easily dissatisfied or even hard-to-please - it's just that we have the same issue as all the rest of humanity. Because we are flawed, we are incapable of creating perfection. We are incapable of discovering on our own a perfect pattern. But God never makes mistakes. His pattern is flawless. His plans are incapable of error. He creates a perfect design. Unlike us, He has the advantage of seeing how it is all going to turn out. And so He knows that we'll need a closet here or a larger bathroom there or a large front porch or a patio out back. According to scripture, He knows what we have need of before we even ask and so when He lays out the pattern for us, He builds what is necessary for us into our life, EVEN when we don't know why it's been drawn on the pattern in that particular spot.

God has always been into patterns. Patterns are important and they are found throughout the Bible. In Genesis, God used a pattern to create the universe. He set in the sky a sun that controlled the day and a moon that controlled the night. These two large objects still remain in the sky operating according to the same pattern that God designed in the very beginning. It is a perfect pattern that controls seasons, weather, sunrises, sunsets, wave patterns, animal migrations, etc. God set a pattern in order and it is fool proof - everyday the sun rises, the sun sets, the earth rotates on its axis creating a perfect 24 hour day.

When God got fed up with His creation, He gave Noah a pattern - a perfect pattern to navigate the stormy waters and save not only his family but an entire zoo of animals. When Israel found themselves trapped in Egypt, God gave a pattern to Moses that became known as Passover. He was exact in His instructions as to the preparation of the Passover meal, how it was to be prepared and eaten and how the blood was to be applied. If the pattern was followed exactly, deliverance would come to those households that obeyed. It was a perfect pattern for deliverance. After delivering an entire nation out of the clutches of an Egyptian Pharaoh, he gave Moses a pattern for a tabernacle in the wilderness. This pattern for the tabernacle in the wilderness was a flawless design that went from a physical pattern in the Old Testament to a spiritual pattern in the New Testament, ultimately providing for our salvation and access to the very presence and power of Jesus Christ. 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ came and fulfilled the exact pattern of the passover lamb. His death, burial and resurrection, becomes an exact pattern which when we follow, through repentance, water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and the infilling of His Spirit, gives us access to the amazing gift of salvation. God operates in patterns.

If patterns are this important to God, doesn't it stand to reason that God has a pattern for the lives of every individual in His kingdom. I am convinced that Jesus drew up a blue print for my life and for your life and the life that He is constructing is a flawless design. His design is perfect - it has everything that I will ever need built into the plan. He knows every trial I'll face. He knows every obstacle I'll need to clear. He knows every mountain I'll need to climb. He knows every river and every valley I'll need to cross. He is very much aware of every struggle and every pain that will come into my life, long before I ever had to face it. And because He did, He compensated for EVERY hurdle with a part of the design. Those items that you thought must have been flaws, must have been mistakes, are simply God's way of preparing us for those things that we'll face later in life. He has prepared for every thing that we will face - He included it in HIS design.

So today - are you facing things? Probably. Are you going through some stuff? More than likely. It's not because God has made a mistake. It's not because God's plan is flawed. It's not because His pattern is imperfect. It's simply that He's seen a little farther down the road than you have. What feels like pain right now is just a design on the blue print that is going to give you victory tomorrow. What feels like a hurdle today, is simply a spot on the plan that calls for some extra reinforcement for the JOY that you will need tomorrow. After all he promised that the weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Or as Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:17, ". . . For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a for more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. . ." So don't judge God's plan now - know that His design is flawless and therefore this affliction is just for a moment - it's actually working for us, giving us an exceeding and eternal treasure. It's only a little while before we see the completed project. We can't see it right now - because as Paul described it, it's look like looking through a darkened piece of glass - but eventually we'll look our Designer in the face and when we see HIM our perfect design will be complete. And we'll understand it all - better by and by.

Keep your chin up - the plan is perfect - the design is flawless and the life God is building in you will be perfected in HIS timing. Until next time, keep working God's pattern in your life and let Him get glory out of you - God bless - Love you all - RP