Saturday, February 25, 2017

Through the Storm

Into every life a little rain must fall.  Every one faces storms.  Even Winnie the Pooh had a blustery day.  Stuff happens to all of us.  Just.  Unjust.  Really doesn't matter which end of the spectrum you fall on, rain will fall on you.  Most of the time, as Christians, we pray for God to deliver us from the storm.  We sit on the bow of the ship of life and we wait for Jesus to step from the hull where He has obviously fallen asleep and scream with His divine vocal chords, "PEACE BE STILL."  And then our storm will turn and retreat from whence it came.  Isn't that what most of us expect?  But the truth falls somewhere short.

I only find a few times in scripture where Jesus delivered people from the storm.  Rarely do I find him saying, "Wind stop blowing, Lightning stop striking, Thunder be quiet, Rain - that's enough out of you as well."  More often than not, I find a Jesus who says, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you. . . I'm forever faithful . . . My grace is sufficient for you."  David - unfortunately I can't calm this storm.  Your child is sick and will die . . . but I'll be with you through the storm.  Jonah - this storm is bad and unfortunately you are going to be swallowed by a big fish - but I'll be with you in it's belly.  Paul - yes - the storm you are in is really bad and unfortuately this ship is going to fall apart.  BUT if you will hold on to a piece of wood, I'll be with you and deliver the whole crew.  Most of the time, we just have to go through the storm.

The Bible describes the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, as a Comforter.  If we never have to go through anything, why would we need a Comforter.  The Greek word for the Holy Spirit is "Paraclete" and it literally means "one who comes alongside to help."  I need His help more often than not, and I'm thankful that He is an abiding faithful friend who never turns His back. 

I would love it if He bailed out out of every storm.  I would love to see Him step up and say "Peace Be Still" everytime I faced something that was bigger than me.  But instead, I find that He gently reminds me that He is with me and that His grace will help me to make it through.  The Apostle Paul begged on numerous occasions that God would remove from him "a thorn in the flesh".  Whatever that thorn was, God's answer was "My grace is sufficient."  And then I really like what He tells Paul next, "for My strength is made perfect in weakness."  I have lots of weaknesses and so I've come to the conclusion that His grace is enough and He's got a lot off opportunity to perfect His strength in my life.

Until next time - thanks for continuing to read.  I love all of you - always remember that He may not pull you out but He will see you through!  -- RP


  1. Rodney that was awesome...I really enjoyed that!

  2. Pastor, I love it. I just wrote a note this morning about the storm. This is great word. I will stand, because I know He will always see me through. Much luv!
    K. Coley
