Saturday, February 11, 2017

You Belong. . .

To belong. . . isn't that what we all really want? We want to know where we fit. We want to know what our place is. We want to be accepted and loved for who we are - no strings attached, no questions asked. We want to belong. Countless millions all over our world join groups, become members of organizations, join in activities and attempt to make friends all in an effort to BELONG. We want to belong. This morning I woke up with a thought and it has stewed around in my brain all day. Everyone of us want to belong - particularly we want to belong, to be a part of a family.

At birth, I was adopted into the Pavie family. My parents were told they could not have children and so in early 1971 they began making plans to adopt a child and in July, I was born and left the hospital as a Pavie. I've never met my biological parents, don't even know who they are, but I'm thankful that I belong in the Pavie Family. I was welcomed in and loved and cared for and that's where I belong. Two years later, my wonderful parents adopted a second boy, also at birth and three months later what doctors was impossible happened. My Mom became pregnant with her third son. Notice I said her third son. While it was her first biologically, we never knew any different because we were Pavie's - that's where we belonged. Adopted or born. . . it didn't matter - we were a part of the family.

When we come to know Jesus Christ - the same thing occurs. We were born into a family - a family of sin. We're a member there and that's who we are. But then a father steps on the scene. He loves us with an amazing love. His love is so perfect and so unconditional. Romans 5:8 tells us that ". . . God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us." I thought today - before I was ever born, while technically I still was attached to another family, my Mom & Dad began to make preparations for me to be their son. They prepared a room. They bought baby clothes. They bought a crib. They bought diapers and bottles and all the things that they knew that I would need. They paid doctor's bills and lawyer's bills all in an effort so that I would belong to them. Jesus Christ came and while we were still attached to that other family - that sinful lifestyle - that old way of living - He died for us. He paid the necessary price to purchase us from that sinful lifestyle. He made the necessary preparations so that if we wanted, we could become a part of His family.

At some point, my Mom and Dad had to sign documentation to let all know that I had been granted the right of adoption, so that I was no longer a member of my biological family, but now I was a member of the Pavie family. That I had been endued and empowered as a member of the Pavie family and that bond went beyond the blood that flowed in my veins. Their love was not contingent upon my pedigree or my birth. Their love was a choice that they made. They choose to allow me to belong.

Romans 8:15 says, ". . . you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, 'Abba Father'." I love that verse. It's for me indicative of my physical life, but more importantly my spiritual life. You see, because of my background, my pedigree, my lifestyle choices, I really did not belong in the family of God. . . and neither did you. His family is pure and holy and righteous -- all the things that I am not. BUT He grants me an adoption. He says, "I love you, even though you don't deserve it. I love you even though I don't have to. I love you even though you don't live up to my standards. I love you even though you are not my blood relation. And because I love you, I'm adopting you into the family of God. I'm granting all rights and privileges of an heir in my family. You are My own. And because you are, you have the right to cry out to me as My child - like you would your Daddy - and as a child would climb upon the lap of His father - you are welcome in My family."

I realized one day that my Mom & Dad did not have to love me. They had no biological, paternal or maternal obligation to me. They were not required by some sense of loyalty or patronage to show love toward me. They simply chose to love me, to care for me and to make me their own. They did for me what someone else could not. They chose to allow me to belong. . . and Jesus did as well. He chose to love us when we had done nothing to deserve it. He loved us, not because He had to but because He wanted to. Oh, how thankful I am to BELONG to the body of Christ!

And so - having been twice adopted - I feel especially loved and blessed today. I have a wonderful MOM & DAD who CHOSE to love me and I have an even more WONDERFUL GOD who died for me to show His love when I deserved nothing -- and He did the same for you! Oh how He loves you and me! Love all of you - thanks again for reading - It's great to know that we BELONG to such a wonderful family - the family of GOD!

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